Legacy Giving

Find out how your legacy can make a real difference

A gift in your Will to Simply Limitless would help us to continue to deliver our vital services within the community.  As a small local charity your gift will make a tremendous difference to people's lives, regardless of it size. 

Making a Will, or updating a previous Will to include Simply Limitless, is a straightforward process. 

Simply contact your solicitor and let them know the type of gift you would like to leave to us. Please also provide your solicitor with our full details to be included in the Will as follows:-


Simply Limitless

Mason Road


DY11 6AF

Charity No: 1142444

We are unable to provide legal advice, however your solicitor should be able to assist with preparing a new Will or updating an existing one for you. Alternatively, local based firm Thursfields Solicitors would be happy to help and are contactable on 0345 207 3728 or info@thursfields.co.uk

If you or a family member ,would like to understand how your gift will be used or would like to see how we work please contact us; we would welcome the opportunity to show you what a difference you can make.

How you can help your community

Five Pounds

Will provide a hot meal to help someone who is isolated and in need

Fifteen Pounds

Will help someone in need attend our Megamover or Megafitness group which provides important physical and social support

Fifty Pounds

Will provide hot and cold meals and food parcels for those most in need

100 Pounds

will help people who are lonely and isolated to engage in organised activities to overcome loneliness

250 Pounds

helps us to train 5 volunteers to support vulnerable people

500 pounds

Enables someone struggling with their mental health receive one to one support

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