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Help us create Happy Health Communities

Make a donation

Every donation we receive helps us to provide our services to people in our local community.

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There are lots of ways you can fundraise for us and all sorts of things you can do.

Find out more about Fundraising


Volunteering is about what you gain as much as what you give.

Find out more about Volunteering

A gift in your will

There are lots of ways you can fundraise for us and all sorts of things you can do.

Make a legacy gift

Partner with Simply Limitless

Do you represent a business or organisation looking to partner with a charity?

Click here to partner with us

Why support us


Mo’s life underwent a remarkable transformation and he found a sense of stability through the new social activities and friendships made through Simply Limitless. Something he had never experienced before.


Lesley found the support she needed through Moodmaster, one of our mental health sessions, and discovered her potential to make a positive impact on the lives of others, by becoming a volunteer herself.


The compassionate support from Simply Limitless empowered Sheila to navigate the anniversary of her husband's death with courage and resilience.

How you can help your community

Five Pounds

Will provide a hot meal to help someone who is isolated and in need

Fifteen Pounds

Will help someone in need attend our Megamover or Megafitness group which provides important physical and social support

Fifty Pounds

Will provide hot and cold meals and food parcels for those most in need

100 Pounds

will help people who are lonely and isolated to engage in organised activities to overcome loneliness

250 Pounds

helps us to train 5 volunteers to support vulnerable people

500 pounds

Enables someone struggling with their mental health receive one to one support

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