Mega Movers

Fitness for those with low mobility

Megamovers - because physical exercise is more important the older you become.

Why Megamovers?

Our MegaMovers class is great fun! It brings many benefits such as, greater flexibility, improved mobility and an increase in energy levels.

People that have taken part in the class have found their balance has improved substantially and they also feel stronger, which in turn lessens the risk of falls. The class provides a great opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy the company of others.

When is it on?

  • Monday 11.30
  • Tuesday 11.30
  • Wednesday 11.30
  • Thursday 11.30

How much is Megamovers?

Each class is £6 or you can pay a monthly membership of £28 and attend all classes

How do I book?

If you've not been before please contact us so we can help you attend in the best way possible.

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